Photo Adult Cats and Kittens
Cats of Our Cattery

Bolivar Benaby
Breed: Abyssinian
Sex: Male
Color: Ruddy
Age in the photo: 1 years old
Status: Sir of Benaby Cattery
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Nokia Benaby
Breed: Abyssinian
Sex: Female
Color: Sorel
Age in the photo: 1 years old
Status: Queen of Benaby Cattery
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Ami Benaby
Breed: Bengal
Sex: Female
Color: Spotted
Age in the photo: 1,5 years oldа
Status: Sir of Benaby Cattery
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Abande Ross
Breed: Bengal
Sex: Male
Color: Spotted
Age in the photo: 6 months old
Status: Sir of Benaby Cattery
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Savannah Anna of Goldbreed
Breed: Savannah F1
Sex: Female
Color: Spotted
Age in the photo: 2 years old
Status: Queen of Benaby Cattery
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Gloria Luxury Cats
Breed: Chausie F1
Sex: Female
Color: Ticked
Age in the photo: 1,5 years old
Status: Queen of Benaby Cattery
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Ocean Benaby
Breed: Bengal F1
Sex: Male
Color: Spotted
Age in the photo: 2 months old
Status: Sold to Perm, Russia
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Arthur Benaby
Breed: Chausie F2
Sex: Male
Color: Ticked
Age in the photo: 1,5 years old
Status: Sold to New York City, USA
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Lancelot Benaby
Breed: Savannah F1
Sex: Male
Color: Spotted
Age in the photo: 1 years old
Status: Sold to New York City, USA
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Guinevere Benaby
Breed: Chausie F2
Sex: Female
Color: Ticked
Age in the photo: 1,2 years old
Status: Sold to New York City, USA
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Fe Lika Benaby
Breed: Bengal
Sex: Female
Color: Spotted
Age in the photo: 5 months old
Status: Queen of Benaby Cattery
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Vasilisa Benaby
Breed: Bengal
Sex: Female
Color: Mink
Age in the photo: 1 years old
Status: Queen of Benaby Cattery
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Zidan Benaby
Breed: Bengal
Sex: Male
Color: Spotted
Age in the photo: 1,5 years old
Status: Sold to Saratov city, Russia
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